Rank and Nature of Position: Assistant/Associate Professor; twelve-month tenure track. The position is 80% Extension and 20% Research.
Work Location: Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Position Description: This position carries both extension (80%) and research (20%) responsibilities. Extension duties include the development and implementation of a statewide education program in forest economics and management targeted at landowners and professional foresters, with potential emphasis in the areas of financial management of timber resources, understanding timber markets, and price trends .Opportunities exist to create extension programming that is unique and relevant to the diverse mix of Louisiana timber owners. Research duties may include, but are not limited to, the areas of appraisal, tax planning, impact analysis of local and state regulations, and market/nonmarket valuation of timberland resources. Opportunities exist to work with graduate students and leverage extension and research activities through the Center for Natural Resource Economics & Policy (CNREP) as well as with other departments in units within the LSU AgCenter. Publishing in disciplinary and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed periodicals, as well as non-peer reviewed outlets tailored to policy and practitioner audiences, is expected, as is the ability to seek extramural funds to help support extension and research programs. The successful candidate will also be expected to coordinate their extension and research activities with other extension and research personnel within the LSU AgCenter and with forestry industry associations.
Qualification Requirements: Minimum of a Ph.D. in agricultural economics, forestry economics, or a related field with expertise in the area of production economics. The applicant must also have a strong interest in mission-oriented research and extension activities that address critical clientele needs.
Salary and Benefits: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The LSU AgCenter has an attractive benefits package with a wide variety of benefit options. Benefits offered include retirement, multiple medical insurance options, supplemental insurances (dental, life, long-term disability, accident, vision, long-term care, etc.), Tax Saver Flexible Benefits Plan (saves tax dollars on some childcare and medical expenses), university holidays (14 per year, typically includes a week off at Christmas), generous annual (vacation) and sick leave benefits, Employee Assistance Program, and possible educational leave and tuition exemption for coursework at campuses of the LSU System. Specific benefits depend on job category, percent effort and length of employment.
Application Deadline: April 1, 2021, or until a suitable candidate is identified.
Date Available: July 1, 2021.
Application Procedure: Apply online at https://lsu.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/LSU (or through Workday for internal applicants). Search for “Forestry Economics.” Attach (1) an application letter addressing the applicant’s interest and qualifications for the position, (2) curriculum vitae, and (3) names and contact information of three references.
For more information contact:
Dr. Michael Salassi, Department Head
101 Martin Woodin Hall
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness,
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Baton Rouge, LA70803-5604
Tel.: (225) 578-3282; Fax: (225) 578-2716
E-mail: msalassi@agcenter.lsu.edu